Meet Roy

"At Action, you're a person, not a number."

Roy van Vuure, DC Truckdriver

About Roy

As an experienced truck driver, Roy van Vuure wanted to broaden his horizons. Back in the day, he rarely left the borders of North Holland while at the supermarket chain he worked for. Purely by chance, however, Roy knew a few drivers for Action who covered the breadth of the Netherlands. That was reason enough to submit an open application. Roy has now been driving all over the Netherlands for Action for three-and-a-half years.

How have the last three-and-a-half years been?

Is it really that long? If you'd said one year, I'd have believed you. Time flies when you're having fun!

How do you start your working day as a rule?

My alarm clock always goes off very early. I usually clock in between 4 am and 5 am, and hit the road around 5:15 am with a full truck. I head to Utrecht in the south of the Netherlands, and sometimes even to North Groningen or North Limburg. I start unloading as soon as I get to the first store. Sometimes I'm by myself, and sometimes a few store employees are there to help. We may have a cup of coffee together, and then I'll head off to my next store. I do several journeys in a day, but the number varies depending on the distances and loads involved. I have a list of journeys for each day, of course, but I have some freedom and flexibility when working through the list. I work four days a week, and I always have Wednesdays off.

What type of driver do you need to be to work at Action?

The stores can be located in all sorts of places, including in an historic city centre with narrow streets and dead ends. You need to be able to drive well. Fortunately, we have great trucks. I drive a Volvo FH, but we also have Mercedes trucks. The trucks are also very well equipped, with a fridge, microwave and auxiliary heater. You also need to be physically fit. If the store staff aren't there early in the morning, you have to unload the truck yourself.

"I've had a director in the truck with me for a day. He just wanted to see what it's like"

Are there moments you look back on with a smile?

The Covid-19 period was a real challenge, but it was also great for me in terms of my work. While all the stores in the Netherlands were closed, shopping continued as normal in Belgium and France, for instance. That meant I had to travel all over Europe with a full truck. I'd never driven abroad before and really enjoyed it. It's an experience I certainly won't forget. I also look back fondly on the day I had a director in the truck. Jens Burgers, Director Supply Chain at Action, really wanted to see what the distribution work, driving, loading and unloading was like. He accompanied me for a day, and we had a great time. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that a director is willing to do that says a lot about Action as a company. 

Are you proud of your job?

Of course! I'm proud to drive our name and the blue logo around the country. The concept works and I've enjoyed seeing how Action has grown in recent years. Action has more than 100 drivers, yet the planners and management know every single person by name. I feel valued at Action and think that I get a lot back in return for my efforts, such as freedom and flexibility. If I need to be home early for a private matter, we can always sort something out. I also enjoy the nice extra touches, such as barbecues and drinks with colleagues. The surprise of a nice bonus at the end of the year is simply the icing on the cake!

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