Meet Laurien

"Action really cares about the environment and society!"
Laurien Dwars, Social Compliance SpecialistHi! Could you introduce yourself?
I'm Laurien and I've been working at Action since 2021. My background is in business administration, with a Bachelor's degree in international business and a Master's degree in sustainability. Helping companies reduce their environmental impact and make a positive contribution to society is what drives me. When Action approached me to take on this role, I didn't need asking twice!
What's your role as a Social Compliance Specialist?
I focus on transparency in supply chain and social compliance. When purchasing products, we want to know exactly where they're made. That may sound simple, but we've got a huge supply chain. In addition, the manufacturing side must buy things in responsibly. As an example, we check the safety in factories as well as whether child or forced labour is involved. If any issues arise, I'll deal with them. I also draw up policies and coordinate projects. Take an Impact Buying platform as an example, where we work with our suppliers to make our supply chain even better.
Why did you choose to work at Action?
Before joining Action, I worked as a sustainability adviser at a smaller company. The scale on which Action operates made it an interesting transition. We have so many different suppliers and products, which means the challenges in terms of sustainability are much greater. During my job interviews, I could tell that Action really wants to make a positive contribution in the world. That colleagues on the shop floor and management take sustainability seriously is clear to see. And that provides a lot of space for my ideas and to continue to grow!
Teams work well together and everyone's always available.
Has anything surprised you at Action?
The great culture! I've found it really exciting to be at a larger company. But I've never felt like the company's too big. Teams work well together and everyone's always available.
What's the best part of your job? And what can be challenging?
The best part is that I really enjoy it! I love the variety – one minute I'm talking to a supplier in France or China, and the next I'm giving a presentation on our sustainability goals. These ambitions are huge, and that's the challenge for us. Sometimes we need to take a practical approach to what's realistic and what isn't.
What are you proud of at work?
Last year, we learned exactly where our own brands come from and how they're made. And how high sustainability is on the agenda at our colleagues and suppliers.
What's the working atmosphere like?
I think it's important that I feel good and get on well with my colleagues, so we can really chase our goals together. Although I'm the youngest in my team, we're all equal. We're there for each other and have lots of fun.
Do you have any tips for future colleagues?
If you're passionate about sustainability, you may consider a job in an organisation that's already fully sustainable. But the great thing about Action is that you still have room to grow, can develop ideas and can establish new ways of working and partnerships with suppliers. I've experienced that myself, and I'm still a long way from being finished with what I can learn!