Meet Nick

"At Action, I can make the right choices for the world"
Nick Schallies, Packaging SpecialistHi! Please introduce yourself!
I’m Nick, born in 1983 and I live with my family in Broek in Waterland. I’ve worked within store organisations and packaging all my career. I’ve been doing that at Action since the summer of 2022. In my free time, I love surfing and boxing, and enjoy all the culinary cuisine the Randstad has to offer.
What is it you do as a Packaging Specialist?
I work on our sustainability goals for packaging. These are what are known as primary packaging. Chocolate bar wrappers, toothbrush packaging, the plastic around a set of notebooks; you name it. Together with my fellow packaging specialist, I look at how we can make packaging as sustainable as possible in all fourteen categories – from food to clothing and garden.
What does that look like in practice?
We focus on all the products you see in the Action stores. This is super diverse and therefore quite a challenge. That’s why we rely on data so that we can take targeted steps. For example, we know from data analysis that we sell a lot of tape. So we’re looking into whether the insides of those rolls can be made of more sustainable material. Or take grass seeds, whose boxes we’ll be will reducing in size. So, we go through each category analytically and make counter-proposals. This involves brainstorming with the purchasing team and the suppliers.
Action’s volume offers the opportunity to make major changes.
Why did you join Action?
I want to make a difference. And where better to do that than at the fastest-growing non-food discounter? Action’s volume offers the opportunity to make major changes. So I’m right where the action is. That makes my work incredibly interesting.
What surprised you most about working at Action?
The culture struck me. I know of few companies of this size with such down-to-earth headquarters. Action is a professional company and at the same time very down-to-earth.
What's the best part of your job? And what can be challenging?
I like the diversity of products and by extension the packaging the most. Sometimes I decide on the packaging of toys, and sometimes of sports socks. At the same time, this is a challenge. I make suggestions for a wide range of products. This means switching quickly and consulting with various colleagues and external partners. On top of that, different rules apply in each country, which means packaging has to comply with many different regulations. And that we depend on other organisations, such as governments, to do so.
What are you proud of?
That, together with my colleagues, I’m making the right choices for the world! And the enthusiasm with which we do it. It’s really nice to see that sustainability is not only a business priority, but also a personal one for many colleagues, suppliers and customers.
Any tips for future colleagues?
Action values initiative. And I would say: take the time to get to know your colleagues well. That makes it easier to achieve great things together.