Meet Mitchell

"We always have fifty different ideas on how to improve our digital channels!"

Mitchell Hazelebach, Product Owner Digital

Hi! Could you introduce yourself?

My name is Mitchell and I'm as old as Action: we opened our first store in 1993! I started as an analyst in web development, but after a while there was no longer any need for the position. The good thing is we're growing fast in various directions, so there are plenty of opportunities to find out what role suits you. I had the chance to take the reins for a while for one of the product owners. "Hey, this role suits me", I thought. That's how I made the move to the Digital department.

What is it you do as a Product Owner?

We sometimes have as many as fifty different ideas for how to make our digital channels better. I consider which concepts will benefit our customers the most. We use data-driven decision-making to increase the impact. Previously, I mainly focused on our website and app. Recently I made the switch to the Customer Experience platform where we make improvements for our marketing department & customer service. For example, we implemented a servicecloud where all customer questions come together. This provides insights for colleagues from different departments within Action and in the long term we can improve the service to our customers.

Why did you join Action?

After graduating, I started working at a large household store. I then went on to work in another industry for a while, but I soon came to miss the dynamic character of a store-based organisation. A former colleague told me about Action. If you're working on two projects here, there are already ten new ideas being proposed. Joining the team wasn't a hard choice to make.

Everyone here finds the time to help each other and is driven to put solutions into practice quickly.

Has anything surprised you at Action?

How quickly Action grows! It's important to evolve with the company. Teamwork and open-minded colleagues go a long way towards making this possible. Everyone here finds the time to help each other and is driven to put solutions into practice quickly.

What's the best part of your job? And what can be challenging?

The best part is the direct impact we have on our customers' experience. If something isn't working as it should, we have the facilities to change things up or adapt quickly. A good example is the Click & Collect service we had during the Covid pandemic. We built it in around four weeks and then it went live. Everyone could use it. The challenge was stakeholder management. Our organisation is large, and it's up to me to convince all colleagues of the decisions we make.

What are you proud of at work?

My own personal growth is an important one. However, we've also done a lot as a department recently. We started out as a kind of start-up department, and we now have experienced teams that ensure improvements go live every day. Once upon a time, we could only do that every two weeks.

What's the atmosphere like?

The vibe in the Digital department is fantastic. The organisation is doing well and we're continuing to grow. Everything is possible, and you can feel that in the atmosphere. My team is all about perseverance: everyone wants to better themselves, work with me, and come up with solutions.

Do you have any tips for future colleagues?

Bring a lot of energy with you! Here you can make a difference for our customers and develop on a personal level. If you like it when things move quickly, you'll definitely feel at home here.

Ready for a challenge in the Digital department?