Meet Pieter

“As a process expert, I am at the centre of the organisation.”
Pieter Vlaar, Commerce Process ExpertAbout Pieter
Pieter Vlaar was looking for a side job after university, before he actually started working on his Master’s in Entrepreneurship. One he could combine with his studies, while also gaining useful experience and contacts. He found his ideal side job at Action, as a Direct Import Coordinator/Commercial Administrator.
Meanwhile, you’ve gained your Master’s degree. What did you think, let’s just stay at Action?
I just liked it. Action is an incredibly well-known and international company, but it’s also close by. If I were to stand on the roof of our Zwaagdijk office, I could see my house. And as another contributing factor, during the final phase of my master’s degree, the role of Commerce Process Expert opened up. I took the plunge and applied.
What exactly do you do as a Commerce Process Expert?
As a Commerce Process Expert, you are basically constantly searching for ways to make processes within the company run faster, more efficiently or more smoothly. It’s truly what I was made to do: if I ever see something that can be improved, I immediately speak up. My working days are very varied. Take today for example. I started the morning with a big project: replacing our entire Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. I then presented an investment proposal for new software to facilitate cost price calculations. I spent the rest of the day working on how to make procurement in China more efficient, which includes consultation of our Hong Kong office. At Action, we want to have our products on the shelves quickly and at a good price, but we are also bound by all sorts of regulations, especially when it comes to procurement from Asia. How can we ensure compliance without slowing down the process? That’s a question I deal with regularly.
“I get a lot of energy from working with different departments and creating something tangible together.”
What’s the best part of your job?
I get a lot of energy from working with different departments and creating something tangible together. As a Process Expert, I interact with so many different specialists – from suppliers and buyers to store employees and our commercial director. It really feels like I’m at the centre of the organisation.
Is it easy to keep growing at Action?
I am extremely ambitious and always focused on my next step. I have had several discussions about my development. And I’ve discovered that a lot is possible, for example in the form of (post) masters and practical training. All you have to do is take the initiative and be clear about where your ambitions lie.
As Action itself continues to grow, that automatically opens up new positions and opportunities. For example, I think it is an interesting development that we want to increase our procurement within Europe. But sourcing – finding the right suppliers – is necessarily preceded by a great deal of research. Do they meet all our requirements? And can the suppliers handle our high demand? I find it very interesting to travel around Europe for Action and to be closely involved in sourcing and supply chain management.
Has Action been able to surprise you in any particular way?
Despite Action’s enormous size, I think the company’s way of working is very pragmatic and agile. They’re open to experimenting with new stock or exciting initiatives. Action has also surprised me on a personal level. Two years ago, my brother died suddenly. At the time, I was given all the space I needed to grieve, process and do what felt right for me. When I ‘shut down’ six months later, I also got the (external) help I needed. Although Action has more than 60,000 employees, the needs and wishes of the individual remain paramount.